Life Structures


In our community we recognize eight Life Structures, which we work on to balance and to bring into the realm of excellence in order to live a healthy and fulfilling life. These live structures are health, relationships, finances, ego, belief, livelihood, spirituality and community.

o Health:  This life structure is about maintaining and nurturing the body.  To stabilize/have balance in this life structure is to ensure that the body temple is functioning at its optimal, that it is nourished and able to provide the energy and enduring vitality to give our gifts fully.

o Relationships:  This life structure is about loving, compassionate, intimate and healthy relationships with others. This life structure is about seeking to be compassionate in all relationships.  This life structure is important because it is through the relationships of my life that I am able to see places within me that need healing, places I can grow and my beliefs.  Relationships are a great opportunity to grow in unconditional love.

o Money:  This life structure has to do with currency and with circulation.  This life structure is about healing beliefs about lack and limitation and it is about order as well.  When my financial life is in order ie – bills are paid, the circulation is healthy, there are savings etc. one is freed up from the emphasis on merely surviving and able to move toward thriving, and other pursuits.  When this structure is balanced the individual understands and participates in circulation…the giving and receiving of life.

o Livelihood: This life structure is about finding and fulfilling our purpose and rightemployment. When this structure is balanced the person is giving their gifts, tuned into their purpose and sharing their gifts, talents and abilities freely.

o Ego:  The ego is about the individual, survival and personality.  To be balanced in this life structure is to be aware of her oneness and connectedness with life. Balance in this life structure shifts one from the ‘me’ idea which can be isolation and separation to connectedness with Spirit and the truth that beyond the self is something greater.

o Belief: This life structure is about personal paradigms, preferences and ultimately the evolution of consciousness. To be rigid or stuck in one’s preferences or outdated beliefs is to be unbalanced in this life structure. Visioning or other activities balances this life structure by opening the space for expansion, creating a nimbleness for new insights and revelations to take place.

o Spirituality: This life structure has to do with one’s pursuit of meaning in the Spirit.  Whatever the path, whether it is through science, religion, spirituality, nature etc. it is how a person comes to understand that there is something greater them themselves.  This structure is stabilized through practice and participation on a spiritual path that works for the individual.

o Community: This structure is about the ‘Beloved Community’ or one’s contribution to the global community.  It is about participating and giving of one’s talents in service to a more peaceful, just, harmonious and balanced society.  Each one finds her/his way to contribute in their unique way.  Balance in this life structure is about engagement and participation. It is about ‘being the change we wish to see in the world.’
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