An Ancient New Thought
Know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God.
~Pythagoras (560-480
The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras said that
no concept more nearly approached Divinity than the principle of arithmetic. Buddha, who lived and taught at the same time
as Pythagoras said that his teaching is like a finger pointing at the moon, but
one must not mistake his finger for the moon.
Every one of us can use the fact that two plus two is four. It
is not three, five or four and a half. Two plus two is four, right where you
are and there is no place in the entire Universe where this is not true.
Here is where Buddha's finger meets Pythagoras' arithmetic.
Although we can point to the equation that two plus two is four, the simple
equation itself is not arithmetic. The equation is an expression of the
principle of arithmetic! The principle in itself is absolutely perfect and
there is no place where addition exists but subtraction does not or where most
numbers exist but some others do not.
God, Reality, Truth is everywhere present. There is no
place, where God is not. No matter where we are and no matter how we perceive a
situation, God, original cause, that which is perfect, whole and complete, has
already gone before us.
Since we do not blame arithmetic for errors we make adding
or subtracting numbers, we cannot blame God, the perfect principle of Being,
for any un/wanted circumstances in our lives.
In arithmetic every number is unique, meaningful, whole and complete
and an expression of principle itself. Here is where Buddha's finger comes into
play again: Arithmetic is a pointer to ultimate Truth; and in that same way are
you a way shower, too. You are a unique, perfect, and whole emanation of the
Divine and God is right there where you are!
I am unique, perfect, whole and holy. Divine principle
governs my life. God loves me and I love God!