
March 6, 2017

Awareness means you come with an inner light, you move fully alert. Each step is taken in awareness -- the walking, the coming, the sitting. 

You are aware! Yes, something in you drew you to read this segment of Inner Visions today. This would not have happened, if you would not be in harmony with the one mind, oneness, that which I call God. Something is expressing itself in, as and through you right now that is reminding itself that you, as a unique expression of the Divine, are aware and that this path you are on is truly magnificently unfolding.

Nothing can be added to you and nothing can be take away from you. Perfection is the order of this day! Although there are signs on doors and gates that read “Beware” or “Keep out”, asking us to put up fences and borders in the physical world as well as in our minds and hearts, we have the power to re-qualify any “beware” to an even more powerful “be aware”! Instead of trying to keep things out or away and thereby attracting more energy that tries to get in, we can instead simply shift our thoughts to only invite in that, what is nurturing, loving and in harmony with life itself.

God is good and that goodness tells us right in this moment that we are aware! Awake like the Buddha, and conscious, like the Christ. We are aware that we are aware! Is it not wonderful, powerful and perfect to know that we are so much more than the circumstances at hand? How magnificent is it to know that we are co-creative beings in the Spirit, who can create an expanding space around any issue at hand through a simple, deep and focused breath; to let the Divine permeate that space and to reveal the love that is there already.

This love is here right now! Be aware, this love is you!

Today I know I am aware. I am pure awareness. My eyes see what God sees and my consciousness is God consciousness. My life reveals the love that I am!

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