Being Here is So Much!

August 18, 2016

It is a strange and wonderful fact to be here, walking around in a body, to have a whole world within you and a world at your fingertips outside.
~ John O'Donohue

It is incredible to notice that we humans manage to forget the miracle of being here.

We might catch ourselves thinking: “It will take a miracle for that to happen" or “It was a miracle, that this worked that way!” When these thoughts cross our minds then in some way or another we find ourselves in a place where we picture us separate from the reality where miracles truly happen.

The dictionary defines a miracle as a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. If I believe, and I do believe this, that I am created in the image and likeness of the Divine, than this divine agency, that, which I believe is absolutely limitless and can perform any miracle, is right where I am! From that place I not only think that it is possible to manifest miracles, it is my divine birthright and my humanness expands into a space where it is even essential for the fulfillment of my purpose here on earth. Miracles happen even now!

The poet Rilke said, ‘Being here is so much,' and therefore the mystical wonder of our lives cannot go unnoticed. Take a couple of minutes every day and write in your journal about your answered prayers, healing, love, all the positive thoughts you thought and inspiring conversations you had; and also write about the moments when you had to take a deep breath … a deep breath to create some space between you and any challenge you might have encountered. The miracle of the breath!

The simple ability to breath makes all living entities a walking, talking, moving miracle! I am a miracle! You are a miracle! You are happening, right now!

Today I step into the beauty of my own miracle. I am wildly and dangerously free. My presence is blessed and a blessing.

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