Do You Remember?
~ Jalaluddin Rumi
Do you remember? Do you remember that you came to this planet, to this time and space, voluntarily? Do you remember, that you picked your parents, your life’s story and the talents you would bring to this dimension? Do you remember the excitement you felt when you started on this journey of your human experience?
You could not wait to make your gifts known. You could not wait to spread your wings and show your fellow soul-beings what it looks like for God to know more about Itself as your unique life.
Companions that are with you on this journey, but incarnated before your own human birth, told you that the rules on this planet are different. Here, your powers of manifestation would not work, joy is measured in degrees of happiness and love is something to earn rather than to accept as freely given and received.
However, because of your commitment to your journey you know why you came here; and because you know you cannot un-know. You are a spiritual being and in your heart, you carry the divine promise that God loved Itself so much that it created out of Itself your unique life. You are meaningful and special and you said yes, to being a light-bearer of remembering God as God and to help your fellow soul-journeyers along the way.
My own personal story of remembering started almost on the other side of our globe. I was looking for a spiritual truth I believed would not exist. Remembering my own steps, I now know that through education, self-expression, study and spiritual practices I called my searching-self onto my knowing-self and I now stand in the truth that God is my life, joy is my divine birthright and love is the wind beneath my wings.
Today I remember God as the all-ness and is-ness of my life and I truly know that only that, which is God remembering God, exists!