Infinite Possibilities

July 31, 2017

We are infinite possibilities.
~ Rumi

In the ancient Greek mythology, the titan Atlas, is pictured as a man responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders. In our own lives, it sometimes seems that we feel overburdened, thinking we must uphold the heavens of our own existence all by ourselves. 

As legend has it Atlas was given his task in retribution for him leading the Titans into battle, against the Olympian Gods for control of the heavens. In our daily lives, we easily see ourselves as the victim that was given a task too heavy to carry. However, upon closer examination we are the ones looking to control our own heavens, yet holding a power outside of ourselves responsible for our experience and thereby vindicating ourselves from our own accountability. Every time we try to impress our imprint onto a situation, person or circumstance we are met with resistance and even more resistance as a situation unfolds. 

Instead of taking on the task, burden or circumstance as our own and identifying with it, therefor suffering under it, can we not take it as a pointer to something greater, something more expanded? A divine invitation that shows us our beliefs through our feelings, yet directs us to transcend the very condition we are facing? Spirit wants us to be free and experience the love that is there for us already!

Instead of being the backbone of burden we are the pillars of possibilities! When we choose wisely we can carry your life’s experience with light-ness on our shoulders and become a beacon of the goodness of God in the world!

God loved itself so much that It created Itself as your life on this earth plane. Infinite Love has set you free already. Infinite possibilities are yours to choose from!

My thoughts create my life experience. Infinite possibilities are mine to choose from. Today I set myself free!

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