Limitless Joy

September 3, 2017

Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn't take it away from you. I'm happy to share what I can, because I'm in it for the love of programming.  
~ John Carmack, CTO Oculus

According to ancient wisdom what causes suffering in life is a general pattern of how we relate to others. Many of our negative emotions come from outward projections. For example, the bigger house, the faster car, the better paid job and not from our inner values. When we focus on experience, relationship and knowledge there are much less negative thoughts and emotions such as envy, fear, or not enoughness.

Through new thought teachings we can develop a concern for others' wellbeing. With genuine kindness, we can embrace the other whether that person might have presumably more or less material things, or perceived success in our worldly sense. Through our understanding that everything is energy and this energy circulates we can rejoice in everyone’s wellbeing as our own. This does not mean we celebrate the thing or achievement itself, rather than we can be genuinely happy that for what another person aspired for was obtained. This is what Buddhists call a simple sympathetic joy. Life is not a zero-sum game. Rather there is a limitless joy.

Because the above is correct, I can stop any future experience of envy, anger or not enoughness, if I simply understand what is going on. Through practice I refuse to react, give in or be taken over by the situation or circumstance that causes the envy, anger or feeling of not enoughess. Therefore, at some point in my personal future as another situation that could cause the same anger or envy comes into my awareness I do not even feel the need to get triggered. I am rather joy filled and because of my joy and the joy of the person that I originally perceived as other the amount of happiness in my surrounding world has just doubled at no expense to anyone.

I am a unique emanation of God and I freely share the uniqueness of my gifts. I am in it for the love of life!

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