Remember to Breathe

August 14, 2014

Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.
~Eckhart Tolle

Let's start with an exercise today. For a few seconds, think of a situation or circumstance that you are afraid of, or that causes you anxiety when you imagine dealing with it. Now check in with your body temple. How is your breathing? Is it deep and relaxed or shallow and constricted? Chances are the latter is the case and you might have even experienced that you were barely breathing at all. 

This is a natural reaction of the body temple. There is an instinct to freeze at danger and to stop breathing to better hear what might be approaching.

For the next part of the exercise close your eyes and take a few slow, even and deep breaths. Feel how your breath goes deeper into your body temple and fills it up fully. Now check in again with your body and mind. Is your body temple tense and your mind filled with anxiety? Most likely you are more relaxed and your mind feels more at ease. 

This short exercise shows that tension and deep breathing are incompatible. If we are tense we won't be breathing deeply, but as soon as we are breathing deeply tension dissolves. 

This is good news! We now can bring the awareness of our breath to any situation or circumstance we encounter. The simple act of breathing deeply allows us to create more space around that which might frighten us and we begin to train ourselves to react in new and different ways. In fact we allow ourselves more choices and we can act from a new expanded vantage point. 

By simply taking a deep breath before we react to anything we are afraid of, we become conscious co-creators in our own lives for something new to emerge.

I am the living embodiment of Spirit and my breath is God's breath. I allow It to express Itself by simply remembering to breathe.

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