Settling Down or Settling In?

January 31, 2018

Meditation is about keeping the mind clear; thinking deeply about reality.
~Dalai Lama via Twitter

Turn on the news, step into a packed subway or drive in traffic and one can get easily hooked into negativity and fear. At the same time, we know not to believe in fear, yet might ask ourselves how to best accomplish this.

A great way to work through negativity and fear is meditation. When we go into mediation, we allow ourselves to move from a place of doing to a place of being. In other words, we are 'settling in', we get comfortable within ourselves, not forcing anything, but allowing everything to be just as it is. Instead of 'settling down', where it is easy to suppress or control our present moment experience, we become aware of what our mind is doing. Through our awareness of our own minds activity, we free ourselves from the grip we usually allow our mind to have on us. We are the observer of our mind, but we, the observer, are truly free.

This freedom of simply 'being' gives us the ability to recognize and disengage from self-perpetuating patterns of negativity and fear. Mental chatter dissolves and through stillness, we get to listen to our inner wisdom, which in return helps us to move forward in our world.

The ‘doing mode’ of daily life has a tendency to keep itself going, and can easily disconnect us from being with our experience in the moment. The ‘being mode’ on the other hand is incompatible with the ‘doing mode’. As soon as we change gear, from doing to being, we create an inner space for ourselves, in which divine wisdom can flow. Here we see, hear or simply know that we have a choice, and this is often the first step in experiencing a new reality. Welcome to the new year, the new you!

Today I settle in and be still. Newness is at hand and love is my guiding principle. I am the observer of my mind and I am free!

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