The Bowl of Light

May 21, 2014

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at will change.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer

In the Hawaiian Spiritual Traditions a wonderful story is told. It goes like this:

“Every child born has, at birth, a bowl of perfect Light. If one tends one's Light during one's life it will grow in strength and one can do many things: swim with the sharks, fly with the hawk, know and understand all things.

If, however, one becomes resentful or envious, one drops a stone into one's bowl of Light. Since Light and the stone cannot hold the same space, a little of the Light goes out. If one continues to put stones into one's bowl of Light, the Light will eventually go out and the person too will become a stone.

A stone does not grow and a stone does not move. But, if at any time one becomes tired of being a stone, all one needs to do is to turn the bowl upside down. The stones will fall away and the Light will come back. The person's Light will shine once more upon the world around them and they will begin to grow once more.”

This parable reflects the pure nature of our soul and the power of forgiveness, releasing old hurts and beliefs that do not serve us anymore. We have this power as co-creative beings in God. It all starts within us. Once we change our viewpoint, Divine grace can carry us forward.

God is all that we are and we have a choice, a choice to say yes to Life right now; a choice to forgive and to let go of old hurts; a choice to be present with ourselves and to marvel at the magnificence that we already are.

God is good and Life is always for itself and never against itself. What are the choices we make today?

My life out-pictures the God-self that I am and I am the right and ripe condition for more God to express itself in me, as me and through me!

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