All This Is That

October 15, 2021

Your essence is pure Consciousness. You are the fearless guardian of Divine Light. So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul.

Consciousness is most intimate to our existence.

It is the light shining through the windows in a grand place of worship and we can look at all the different colorful pieces of glass as all the aspects of our individualities. Our personalities and egos are windows through which this light of consciousness is shining. However, consciousness is never divided! It simply appears that way from a human perspective as it reflects through the myriad of windows!

Your window may be square and blue and someone else's might be round and orange. Just as each snowflake is unique so are we as divine emanations of Spirit. The consciousness which is shining through us, which expresses through us, is a singularity, it is One.

We have the capacity of being aware of our awareness! That, which we call the witness consciousness is conscious intelligence, that which I call God.

This consciousness is not our thoughts, but it is the faculty whereby we are able to perceive our thoughts. It is not our feelings, but it is the faculty whereby we are able to perceive our feelings and it is not our ego, or our personality, but this consciousness is the faculty whereby we are able to perceive our own self!

Consciousness is unbounded and it is with us always. Whether we are sleeping or awake. As we begin to peer into consciousness, this infinite conscious intelligence, we realize that it is creation, it is the essence of the universe itself.

From this viewpoint we understand the ancient texts that tell us that All This Is That! All of this is nothing but reflections, deflections and manifestations of that consciousness. From one level of understanding there is multiplicity and from another there is unity. There is only one unified field of conscious intelligence!

I am the fearless guardian of Divine Light! God has my back and shines in, as and through all my thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions!

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