From OR to AND
Remember the deep root of your being.. Give yourself to the one who already owns your breath and your moments.
We are spiritual beings, and this is our human experience. However intimidating we might perceive the waves, wakes and disturbances of the physical world and however harsh the opinions and judgements of others might land on our shoulders, in any moment we get to stand in our power, knowing that none of the worldly things can define who we truly are.
Our humanness easily focuses on the minute details of should, could and would and after only a short while fear and worry floods our experience. Yet, when we connect to our true self through prayer, mediation, study and fellowship we get to re-immerse ourselves in our true home, Spirit.
The Divine, which expresses Itself in, as and through us in every moment, always reaffirms us that God is good! We are all practitioners of Truth and right here and right now we can re-focus and ask ourselves: Where do I notice love? How am I being? What is the life affirming truth that wants to be expressed?
When we ask ourselves these questions we are changing the human narrative from an old whirlpool-like paradigm of either-or, good-bad, less or more thinking to the spiritual truth of good and better. We do not live any longer in an experience where divisiveness is present everywhere and another opinion is mentally outlawed.
When we live in the realm of what is possible we get to use our mutual human needs as the fuel to move us forward and our values as the tools to steer our one ship across the waves, wakes and disturbances into much calmer and peaceful waters.
When we live our lives in the knowing of our spiritual beingness, we transmute the either-or-thinking and stand fully in the “and” where anything becomes possible!
Today my vision attunes to the way God sees and I firmly stand in the AND of all things are possible!