God As You
It is your light that lights the world.
In our everyday lives we are getting absorbed by daily vortexes of tasks and goals. While we get bogged down in the details of the material world our minds get cluttered with the debris of fear, doubt, worry and not-enoughness.
When we are caught in these everyday events, we are unable to distinguish between allowing God doing the work through us and us doing the work by our own force. Through our teachings we know that the burden is not on us to make anything happen! What is on us, is to know that anything is possible in God. As soon as we are fully conscious of that fact, our heart-mind space creates an opening that allows for God to work through us!
How can we more easily discern if we are working by force or allowing grace to guide our actions? When we are driving a car are we attributing the movement to the vehicle or us driving? When we turn on the light are we attributing the light to the light bulb or us turning on the light? When we play the piano are we attributing the music to the piano or us playing the instrument?
We are the instrument for the Divine to work through us! We are the medium to allow God being God! God’s kingdom is at hand, and we are the creators that allow for this light, sound and movement to manifest through us in this here and now!
The more quickly we recognize our oneness with God when we find ourselves in the vortex of daily demands, the faster we can let go of our own stubbornness and simply get out of our own way. Let God do the work as us and witness with deep gratitude that God is everywhere present always!
All my feelings, emotions, thoughts, and actions are bringing God’s light as me into this world! Every situation and circumstance I encounter unfold gracefully because I am there!