Hurry Up to Slow Down
Forever and everywhere will I live and strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world from the bonds of conditioned existence.
Every hour we find ourselves inundated by news, views and opinions around a pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes and political unrest.
On the one hand we hear deeply the cries of the world, but on the other hand we get jittery and angry. We feel grief, anguish, and terror and many of us want to respond with the immediacy inherent in today's news feeds, emails, and social media posts.
However, when I let go of my ideas about myself and give myself over to doing something more slowly, especially around the topics that want to grab my attention such as any participation in the daily news offerings, the power of it is undeniable. Suddenly, I have time to notice what is happening, and what is not, and whether I was noticing it to begin with.
As a human being I do want to feel my feelings and do want to acknowledge the world I am living in and I want to be a compassionate soul who finds what happens sometimes unbearable and unacceptable. Yet, as a spiritual being, I also feel, see, hear and know that we are in this world, but not off it. We have access to the upper room where we get to hear these cries of the world from a place of stillness and serenity, and where we can understand that they are all manifestations of the perfect light of Spirit.
While we understand that human beings act with violence, aggression and delusion because they themselves have been hurt, we get to practice unconditional love as the most powerful antidote to the politics of domination, fake news and misunderstanding.
Right speech, right action, right livelihood, compassion and tending to a society that is our beloved community is part of the uniqueness of our own path to awakening.
My spiritual nature embraces my human experience even more. I hurry up to slow down so I can listen more deeply. Love in every breath creates a clear path forward!