
July 10, 2021

The work of magic is this, that it breathes and at every breath transforms realities.

~ Rumi

We are made in the image and likeness of God! We all are on a divine mission, which we accepted long before time and space even began. This divine appointment is to emanate authentic and unconditional love from right where we stand in this world out into the larger field of your family, your circle of friends, and our communities.

In this dynamic, intelligent field we get to witness that the love we vibrate multiplies and comes back to us as even more love. The universe always reflects back to us the energetic imprint we radiate outward. Being clear with what our needs are and what a world looks like we would like to participate in, is essential in this wonder-filled co-creative process! When we stay in an authentic conversation with God, wanting to know what it is that needs to be expressed through us, all things become possible.

It is not easy to be in this world, stay highly engaged in what wants to be manifested, yet keep an openness to the outcome! More often than not, we find ourselves in different whirlpools of daily challenges, which we believe the world demands from us to solve. We then often reprioritize our lives and put distracting and busy-making tiny steps ahead of the larger strides towards goals that still seem too far away for our grasp. When we become aware that we are so much entangled in this world that we only are the technical managers of its day-to-day operations it is time to make an essential shift to where our creative mind gets to work on the world and lets the vision manifest itself rather than working in the world and forcing a vision into existence.

Me And God In Conversation creates the magic that makes all things possible!

God is my breath that transforms realities! Everything is possible in God!

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