Of Courage and Love

January 31, 2024

With love you don’t bargain. There, the choice is not yours. Love is a mirror, it reflects only your essence, if you have the courage to look in its face. ~Rumi

You are pure consciousness! You are a unique emanation of the most-high God, that manifested itself on this earth plane as you and your unique and perfect life. You are perfect, because you have never existed before in this time and space and your appearance will never exist in the future. There is simply nothing that can be added on to you or taken away from you to elevate the uniqueness that you already are into any higher vibration.

As we start into a new year in the western culture, we feel, as spiritual beings, a need for courage to continue to move through the day-to-day challenges we encounter, to even deeper embrace the change that we experience in our lives, and to keep our spirit up high and our mind in the upper room, as the philosopher and mystic Howard Thurman tells us.

Courage, however, is often misunderstood. Courage is our ability to continue to walk in the direction of our own surrender! When it is important for us to exercise courage, we simultaneously are in place in which we are surrendering. While the potential impact of our action on our life can create fear, anxiety, and great apprehensions, it is the way we experience these things, which inform and influence the steps we know we must take, that matter.

Surrender is not defeat! When we are spiritually surrendered, we get to recognize that all the dire things we might project as possible outcomes are nothing more than that – projections – which now cease to have any power over us. In Oneness there are no losers or winners! And because nothing happens at the expense of something else in God, there is only one courage we need to cultivate in this new year, and that is the courage to Love!

Today I surrender in Spirit and I am placing myself in alignment with the Divine. All my needs, aspirations, desires, and my purpose for being are all addressed already!

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