Pause. Connect. Be.
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.
~Howard Thurman
Our everyday social interactions have changed, and some seem to even have completely evaporated. These interactions that normally create closeness and connection through coincidental gatherings at the water cooler at work, at the playground at school or at a coffee shop are now perceived to create distance between coworkers, families and friends because of the mandatory use of telecommunication and social distancing.
However, during the old normal we created distance by saying goodbye to our parents, partners and kids in the morning, and we reestablished the closeness when we greeted them again in the evening. In this new normal we keep the closeness with our family members or roommates, but we perceive a distance with our colleagues or classmates.
Where we had the “same old, same old, every day” feeling in the past, we now have the "too much change and too much freedom" experience in our daily lives. Whatever our first reaction, emotion, or mood, it is normal to stagger when old structures are swept away and want to be replaced with something new. Everything up to this point served the purpose that has gotten us to where we are. The old rungs of the ladder we were on have dissolved and the new handrails to give us the feeling of safety have not yet been created.
Today we have the opportunity to create our own new normal and establish our new daily habits. Energy flows where our attention goes! We need to remind ourselves that we are powerful spiritual beings! Because we are always creative, it is imperative for us to create intentionally and to design that, which we want to experience. For our well-being, and the well-being of our families and communities, we are called upon to create sustainable structures that produce sanity, health, and human thriving.
I pause to take a deep breath and connect with my higher self. From this open space of simply being I create my experience intentionally and in life-affirming ways!