Prayer Works!

July 12, 2023

Prayer is a thought, a belief, a feeling, arising within the mind of the one praying. 
~Dr. Earnest Holmes

Everything that we perceive with our human senses and beyond is energy and all energy is vibrational. This is also true for our thoughts, feelings and emotions. All these are unique units of energy. In prayer, and especially in our spiritual mind treatments, these vibrational fields are broadened and become wider, more powerful pathways of communication with the Divine.

Our vibrational prayer fields work in many different dimensions. They open up our individualized consciousness to the One Mind and allow us to merges with It, so that Spirit, can express Itself as answered prayer. This way the word spoken through us creates a highly energetic vibratory field, which attunes other vibrations that come in contact with it to itself. This is why prayer transforms and uplifts. Any energetic vibration that is not in harmony or alignment with our prayer has to transform; and it transforms into Love!

Through our prayer we get to realize that we are utterly one with the radiant All; and as the mystics and sages told us, we are awakening and discovering our own unique oneness with the Divine in a timeless, eternal and infinite dance!

In that state we are no longer part of the stream, but we are the stream! Spirit is unfolding not around us, but within us and through us and stars shine not out there but in here and entire supernovas come into being within our hearts!

In prayer our consciousness can touch infinity and completely embrace the entire cosmos! Because we are calling it forth and allowing it to unfold the cosmic consciousness that is Spirit is now awakened to its own true nature and manifests Itself in the physical realm as answered prayer!

We become the opening, the clearing, the emptiness, in which the entire process unfolds!

Prayer works!

Today I stand in the Truth that I am the prayer! I speak from a place of realization that right where I am God is!

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