The Gift of Ku
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
~ Jimi Hendrix
It is known today that the ancient Polynesians colonized the Pacific nearly 1000 years before Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean. For hundreds of years prior to Western contact, the 'ulu or breadfruit tree played a significant role in the culture and spiritual life of Hawai’i. One mo'olelo, or legend, about how the 'ulu came to be is known as ‘The Gift of Ku’.
Ku was a wise man who loved to live among the people and who knew the rhythms and song of the Universe. One day Ku fell in love with a woman and they decided to start a family, but years later, the community was struck by a terrible famine. The people within the village became weak and began to starve – even Ku's children.
Ku knew something had to be done and he told his wife that he could help but needed to travel far away in order to do so. His wife agreed and soon Ku began to grow tall, planting his feet firmly on the ground sinking into it as the earth swallowed him up. The next day, a sprout grew from where Ku once stood and the plant began to grow swiftly, reaching up to the stars. Hundreds of 'ulu fruit swung from the branches and Ku told his wife from within, ‘Roast the fruit well, remove the skin and you shall eat.’ And to this day this remains the gift of Ku.
The Upanishads tell us that from abundance we take and abundance still remains! Knowing and living our oneness in God allows us to literally move mountains and to make a way where there is no path visible. Living the Agape Love, the love that does not ask for anything in return, is the highest octave and vibration of the song of Spirit!
Today the love that I am dances its divine dance! I joyously celebrate life and let God express Itself in, as and through me! Everything is possible!