The Key to the Kingdom
But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
~Matthew 6:33
We are now one month into the new year and we already can look back on where we are with our new year resolutions. Healthier eating, less alcohol, more exercise, less complaining to friends, returning all phone calls, getting paid on time or being more loving in our relationships.
When looking back, we mostly have a tendency to go through the “shoulda, woulda, and coulda’s” of our lives. By doing so we marinate ourselves in negativity. We focus on the vibrational mental downfalls and the things we either did not do or do not like, rather than the life affirming and nurturing gifts we have in us and the focus on the things we do want. What are we are grateful for and what do we want to create?
Although we focus on our spiritual study, persistent old habits seem to be coming back and a feeling of sliding down into the depth that we wanted to leave emerges. We just started the new year, but we suddenly can feel helpless and hopeless.
To turn our lives around spiritual study is not enough! We need to engage in our daily spiritual practice. While study gives us the information we need to understand the teachings we embrace, it is the daily practice itself that brings the insights, wisdom, freedom, healing and prosperity. In his sermon on the mount Jesus preached "the entire Kingdom is added unto you". This kingdom is not in a book, it already exists in each and every one of us! And a living spiritual practice is the key through which we can access it.
Focused prayer and meditation and going through our lives in a loving, mindful and compassionate way, is a great and wonder-filled spiritual practice that transforms our lives, and all the people around us.
Today I am catching myself and stay awake and centered! My spiritual practice is Love in all aspects of my life.