The Spiritual Key

November 3, 2022

Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd!
~ Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi

If we go through life feeling helpless, hopeless and believing that some outer situation needs to change in order for us to be happy, we need to bring back into our awareness that the thought of not liking something is in itself creative! If we place our attention on the things we do not want we will get more of them! The spiritual key that is being handed down to us through the wisdom teachings of the ages, all the sacred scriptures and the ageless truths of Spirit unfolding and enfolding, is nothing less than the unfathomable but undeniable fact, that the whole outer world is amendable to our thought-feeling tones and that we have dominion over it to the extent that we can be aware of that fact.

The outer world, whether it be the body temple, everyday things of life, or earth itself, are not a prison of circumstances, but a playground that mirrors our thought-feelings back at us. The outer world is neither good nor bad, has no character of its own, except the character we give it through your own perceptions, thoughts and feelings. This outer world has a natural plasticity and resonance to our inner vibrations! This is true whether or not we know it, or wish it.

As we remove veil after veil of erroneous thinking through our practices of prayer, meditation, study and fellowship, we get to experience our divine inheritance! Our consciousness can not only embrace and transcend the outer world, but it truly can touch infinity!

From this place we get to realize that nothing is done to us, we are not even doing anything, because as we allow Spirit to flow and express through us, we are one with the life affirming, revitalizing, life nurturing love vibration of the Divine.

My spiritual key opens the space beyond the cosmos and I allow the love vibration I hold for the world to change the essence of its physical appearance!
I Am!

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