
December 4, 2024

You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings.

Transform your life, transform the world! You are here on divine appointment! Because we said yes, even before time and space began, to be present in the right here and now, nothing happens by coincidence! This is why your presence is precious! You are a divine emanation of love, joy, beauty and peace. You are here in this unique place so that the Divine can express Itself as your unique beingness and know more about Itself as your life.

Because energy flows where our attention goes the Divine does not acknowledge the word ‘not’. Not wanting something to happen carries the same amount of energy in the manifest realm as wanting something to happen! As we look out into the circumstantial world, we see a lot of the ‘not’ happening today! It is time to step into our greatness and to celebrate the world into exitance that we desire to live in. Let’s acknowledge what is happening in the world right now as pointers leading into the opposite direction. Do we want to explore the ‘not’ further or finally realize the ‘yes’ we are here to express and experience. God is here now because you are here now!

Especially during this time where the Christian faiths celebrate the birth of the Christ, let us realize that we are especially here to be birthing the Christ, the teacher, the knower of divine Truth, within ourselves! As our own Christ-self becomes more and more fully orbed we not only see the world of circumstances for what it is, but also realize that ‘The Kingdom of God’ is truly at hand, which means, we allow it to come into manifestation in this world as us!

As we transform ourselves and realize our own spiritual greatness, we simultaneously transform the world we live in.

From this day forward eternal truths are my transformational actions and so I love, joy, beauty and peace the yes that I AM into existence!

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